Your trusted partner for SEO lead generation solutions.

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About Us

CLICKVISION, originally founded as a marketing company in 2020, has evolved into a specialized provider of lead generation solutions through SEO.

Leveraging our extensive experience in marketing, we recognized the potential of SEO for driving high-quality leads and expanded our services to meet this growing demand.

Our dedicated team of professionals collaborates closely with each client to deliver customized SEO strategies tailored to their unique business needs.

Why Choose Us

Leadership Team


Dimitar Talevski

Dimitar is a seasoned marketing specialist and the visionary behind CLICKVISION. With over 10 years in digital marketing, he excels in crafting marketing strategies that boost rankings, which in return increase leads, conversions, sales, profits, and ROI.

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Hristijan Takov

Hristijan, a skilled SEO specialist with a passion for business, sales, and marketing, excels in market research and lead generation. He crafts effective strategies for each client, ensuring your business thrives through innovation and measurable results.

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Why SEO Lead Generation?

Grow your business,

get high-quality hot verified


SEO lead generation targets highly interested audiences, ensuring your marketing efforts meet customers exactly when they're seeking your services, significantly boosting conversion rates and ROI.

  • Expert help
  • Proven results
  • Free support

Schedule a Call

Schedule a quick call with us to discuss your specific needs, goals, and how we can help you achieve them effectively.

  • Pick a convenient date and time.
  • Expect confirmation & meeting details shortly.
  • Meet at the scheduled time for discussion.